Noethlich and Sumption Receive Careers in Ag Scholarship

May 20, 2024

We are excited to announce the 2024 Careers in Agriculture scholarship recipients.

Full Circle Ag has been awarding scholarships to students choosing a career in agriculture for over 20 years. Applicants can be graduating seniors or currently enrolled in a 2- or 4-year college. Other requirements include living in the Full Circle Ag trade territory, must be patrons of the cooperative, and majoring in an agriculture-related field.

This year, two high school graduates were selected to receive the Careers in Agriculture scholarship.


Cameron Noethlich
Cameron graduated from Doland High School. He plans to attend South Dakota State University for Precision Agriculture. Many of his science fair projects dealt with incorporating new technologies into farming practices, including how different application methods affect fertilizer consumption efficiency. He has also been an FFA chapter officer for 3 years. When asked why cooperatives are so important in agriculture, Cameron said, “I am a true believer that without cooperatives, farmers could not have the success they do without the support that the cooperatives give.”

Brayden Sumption
Brayden graduated from Frederick Area School. He plans to attend Lake Area Technical College majoring in Ag Production and Precision Ag. Brayden’s goal is to return to the family farm. Sharing an excerpt from Brayden’s scholarship application, “Full Circle Ag has been very influential in our family farm as we use a wide variety of services from your cooperative. They have helped in the day-to-day operations of our farm fuel delivery, to our farm buying seed, fertilizer, and chemical. Full Circle Ag has also provided our farm with a service by applying fertilizer in the spring and fall. Without all the services that Full Circle Ag provides, we would have to hire more farm labor.”
Full Circle Ag is proud to award these students scholarships as they take the next steps to fill their role in the agricultural industry. We wish them the best and look forward to their future endeavors!

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